Couple with hotel TV panel heldMalay MailKUALA LUMPUR: A woman and her former boyfriend were arrested while trying to walk out of a budget hotel in Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday with a 14 inch LCD TV panel they stole from a room.
Next up was a 45-minute drive to La Hilda estate, our Farm Friendly farm where we sponsor a computer instructor for the children of the estate. This is where we purchase most of our Costa Rican coffee from this farm, owned by the Vargas ...
bhelda/b, March 4th, 2009 6:18 pm ET. WOW!!!! Why are people so selfish, it might be true some people over extended themselves on what they could afford to buy, but the majority of people got in trouble when they lost their jobs. If you remember this crisis didn't start b....../b I guess should have re-financed and blown the money on plasma TVs and bvacations/b. And kept paying for cell phones, cable, booze, bvacations/b, 6-embryo implants, LASIK, etc and SKIP the mortgage payment. ...